/ˈpærəˌfreɪz/ Show Spelled [par-uh-freyz] Show IPA noun, verb, -phrased, -phras·ing.
a restatement of a text or passage giving the meaning in another form, as for clearness; rewording.
the act or process of restating or rewording.
–verb (used with object)
to render the meaning of in a paraphrase: to paraphrase a technical paper for lay readers.
–verb (used without object)
to make a paraphrase or paraphrases.
para·phrase (par′ə frāz′)
paraphrase definition
para·phrase (par′ə frāz′)
- a rewording of something spoken or written, usually for the purpose of making its meaning clearer
- the use of this as a literary or teaching device
- an approximate rendering of a quotation, saying, etc. whose exact words cannot be cited or recalled
- a free reworking of a musical text or composition
intransitive verb
to compose a paraphrase
2. Summarizing
Summarizing is an example of integrating skills. Students read a text and identify the main points, then use those main points to write a summary (a much shorter version of the text) containing only the essential information. ...summarize - to concisely explain the main ideas or main points in your own words
3. Quating
quote (kwv. quot·ed, quot·ing, quotes
1. To repeat or copy the words of (another), usually with acknowledgment of the source.
2. To cite or refer to for illustration or proof.
3. To repeat a brief passage or excerpt from: The saxophonist quoted a Duke Ellington melody in his solo.
4. To state (a price) for securities, goods, or services.
To give a quotation, as from a book.
1. Informal A quotation.
2. A quotation mark.
3. Used by a speaker to indicate the beginning of a quotation.
4. A dictum; a saying.
transitive verb quoted quot′ed, quoting quot′·ing- to reproduce or repeat a passage from or statement of: to quote Chaucer
- to reproduce or repeat (a passage from a book, a statement, etc.)
- to refer to as authority or an example; cite
- Commerce to state (a price) or state the price of (something)
- Printing to enclose in quotation marks
transitive verb synthesized -·sized′, synthesizing -·siz′·ing
- to bring together into a whole by synthesis
- to form by bringing together separate parts
- Chem. to produce by synthesis rather than by extraction, refinement, etc.
- to combine or produce by synthesis <synthesize penicillin>
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